Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April, Mogadishu: The Office of the Auditor General of the Federal Republic of Somalia (FRS) held a 2-day awareness-raising seminar for the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government.
Titled “Seminar on Strengthening Awareness of the Role and Mandate of the OAGS among Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs),” this event drew over 120 representatives from various government agencies. Its goal was to raise awareness among participants about the unique mandate and responsibilities of the OAGS, address how financial laws of the FRS pertain to them and underscore the mutual benefits of enhanced collaborations. The central theme and primary focus of the event revolved around reviewing Annual Audit Reports, discussing key findings, and exploring methods to enhance the implementation of existing audit recommendations.
Proceedings commenced with opening remarks from H.E., the Auditor General, Ahmed Isse Gutale. In his address, the AG emphasized the importance of enhancing awareness among the seminar participants regarding the critical mandate of the OAGS. He underscored the crucial role of closer collaborations between the OAGS and the MDAs, highlighting the latter’s significance as auditees and key stakeholders for the Office. Additionally, the AG touched upon the unique position of the OAGS as a cornerstone of accountability and transparency within Somalia’s Public Financial Management (PFM) framework.
The seminar spanned two consecutive days, tailored to provide comprehensive coverage for the diverse participants. Day one hosted the Authorized Officers (such as the Permanent Secretaries, Secretary Generals and Director Generals) from various government agencies. Discussions centered on their distinct responsibilities mandated under the Public Financial Management Law (Law No.17).
On day two, the seminar welcomed additional representatives from government agencies, such as the Directors of Administration and Finance departments and heads responsible for the procurement and internal audit functions. These roles closely align with the work of the OAGS, as they oversee areas that are subject to, or assist in, the OAGS’s audits. Leading day two’s seminar was the newly appointed Deputy Auditor General, Abdijamal Ismail Mohamed. In his concluding remarks, he emphasized the importance and benefit of carrying forward the discussions had and lessons learned during this engaging seminar and putting them to effective use.
The planning and execution of this seminar align with goal 3 of the OAGS’s hallmark 5-year Strategic Plan, focusing on “proactive engagement and trustful collaboration with key stakeholders.” In this goal, active and supportive stakeholder relations are identified as a major component, reflecting a commitment to growing meaningful long-term partnerships with key stakeholders.