OAGS Hosts Semi-Annual Meeting with Development Partners:

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Wednesday 11th October, Mogadishu: The Office of the Auditor General recently convened its Semi-Annual Development Partners Meeting. Held virtually, the gathering aimed to bring together OAGS’s external support network, fostering collaboration and support—both technical and financial—for the Office. Chaired by the Auditor General, H.E. Ahmed Isse Gutale, the meeting featured executives from OAGS and representatives from the World Bank, the European Union, the Royal Norwegian Embassy, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), the African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E), and Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) peers, including the Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA), OAG Uganda, the National Audit Office of Malawi, and the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO).

In his opening remarks, the Auditor General expressed his delight at attending his inaugural development partners meeting. He reflected on the storied history shared between OAGS and its Development Partners, expressing his wish to see it flourish during his tenure. The AG highlighted both achievements and challenges faced during his time at OAGS, emphasizing the need for a synchronized approach in the support ecosystem provided to the Office. He underscored the pivotal role partners play in propelling the service to the Somali people to new heights.

Following his opening, the Auditor General outlined the meeting’s agenda and formally commenced proceedings. Agenda points included an overview of OAGS’s performance in the first half of 2023, an examination of the Annual Overall Audit Plan (2023) and subsequent Audit Reports, as well as the 5-year Strategic Plan (2023-2027). Within this presentation period, time was allocated for a presentation on the Peer-Support Project—a trilateral, peer-based cooperative framework involving OAGS, IDI, and AFROSAI-E. Before opening the floor for a Q&A session, allowing attendees to pose questions and provide valuable feedback, the OAGS team made a final presentation outlining challenges faced by the institution from a needs and recommendations perspective. This concluding component of the presentations facilitated an engaging discussion between the OAGS team and development partners.

The Semi-Annual Development Partners meeting aligns with goal 3 of the OAGS Strategic Plan, contributing to the broader campaign to establish proactive engagement and trustful collaboration with key stakeholders. As the roles and responsibilities of the Office of the Auditor General evolve to meet the demands of a dynamic audit landscape and a growing nation, maintaining a robust connection with its support ecosystem remains of paramount importance.

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